Thursday, 27 October 2022

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking Back, Looking Forward - end 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025

My focus for 2021/2022 and 2023 is, and will be on Technology - practices, tools and platforms (with emphasis on open access) supporting both Micro-Learning and Micro-Practice [modular, bite-size, just-in-time, on-demand, work-place / immediately relevant to practice-demands]; and 'Micro-Scholarship' as extension of Micro-Learning and Micro-Practice. 

"Our Professional Practice(s) and Portfolios AS Scholarship. Accessible and Assessable. Micro-Practice and Micro-Portfolio items AS Assessment." - Poh-Sun Goh, 18 December 2022, Sunday, 0532am, Singapore Time

" 'Posts, Publications. Presentations' - an Integrated (Public) Professional Profile" - Poh-Sun Goh, 14 March 2023, Tuesday, 0506am, Singapore Time

As well as Coaching, in Medical and Health Professions Education and Faculty Development. 

Coaching for #Why, Faculty Development for #How (#Why, before #What and #How) - #Why (#Motivation, #Self-Awareness, #Personal #Insight into what is #Personally + #Professionally #Meaningful) before #What and #How (including #Where, #When, and with #Whom).

1) Presented at IAMSE Cafe on topic 'Technology in Health Sciences Education during COVID-19: Gains, Loses, and Transformations' - a follow up IAMSE Cafe Session conversation to 'focus session' at IAMSE 2021 on this topic - November 2021

2) Facilitator for ESME course at APMEC 2022 conference - January 2022

3) Presented Short Communication on ‘The Role of Coaching in Health Professions Education’ at APMEC 2022 -

Shorey, S., Ang, E., Chua, J., & Goh, P. S. (2022). Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review. Nurse education today, 109, 105222.

Submission for Newfield Certified Coach on 23 November 2023 (to PCC level standard assessment)

NUS CCE Continuing Professional Development program and meetings - online and in-person

Short Professional Bio -


4) Presentation to Group on Faculty Appointments (IAMSE) - ‘Introduction to Micro-Scholarship’ - January 2022

5) Presentation at Staff Track 2022 Conference; Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA), AAMC - Pre-conference workshop - Micro-Scholarship: An Innovative Process for All to Engage in Health Professions Educational Scholarship - April 2022

6) Facilitator for Technology enhanced learning CenMED workshop - April 2022

7) Invited Keynote Presentation at 23rd ICHPE 2022 titled ‘The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic’ - May 2022

8) Presented and Facilitator at IAMSE 2022 pre-conference workshop on ‘Micro-Scholarship as the 'missing piece' in a successful Scholar's Journey’ - May 2022

9) Invited overseas speaker at Educational Symposium organised by University Gaja Mada, Yogjakarta, Indonesia presentation titled "Achieving Learning Outcomes Using Digitalisation (Digital Tools, Platforms and Processes) in Medical and Health Professions Education" - August 2022

10) Presenter and Facilitator at AMEE 2022 pre-conference workshop titled ‘Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach to the Scholarship of being a Medical Educator’ - August 2022

11) Invited overseas speaker at undergraduate multi-institutional Educational Symposium organised by Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia titled ‘Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice and Micro-Scholarship : Making Major Moves one micro-step at a time, Accessible and Available to All’ - September 2022

12) Invited speaker for undergraduates and staff lunchtime sharing session at Singapore Polytechnic presentation titled "Bite size Just-in-Time (JiT) Learning in the classroom, workplace and as a Lifelong Activity - Technology, Practices and Pedagogy” - October 2022

13) Undergraduate Educational and Training Activities - examples from Phase 1, 2, 3 and 5 (YLLSOM, NUS); Examples from postgraduate residency tutorials and training; instructional design, use of technology (to support learning and training), and applied learning science

14) NUHS Radiology Department Retreat - 26 November 2022

15) IAMSE Virtual Forum Lightning Talk, 5th or 6th December 2022

Our 'pitch' and key takeaway is a simple one:

That Learning, and Scholarship are similar; both taken in small iterative, cumulative steps. We learn best and engage in scholarship working together within a Community of Interest and Community of Practice. Scholarship is open, public practice, an extension of learning. We "See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)". We "Take Note, Make Notes, then Share Notes". - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 November 2022, Saturday, 0423am, Singapore Time

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical teacher, 45:3, 307-312.

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79.

The Asia Pacific Scholar Journal Homepage (APMEC 2023, Singapore)

Roberts-Lieb, S, Goh, PS, Sandars, J. Using Technology for Translating Micro-Scholarship to Practice. (Medical Science Educator - resubmitted after revision, Saturday, 11 March 2023)

Medical Science Educator Journal Homepage (IAMSE 2023 Cancun, Mexico)

AMEE Guide on Micro-Scholarship

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (submitted to Medical Teacher, 15 February 2023)

Medical Teacher Journal Homepage (AMEE 2023, Glasgow)

Carrรฉ, P. (2022). Apprenance: Rethinking How and Why Adults Learn. In: Evans, K., Markowitsch, J., Lee, W.O., Zukas, M. (eds) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Littlejohn, A. (2022). Challenges of Digital Professional Learning: Digital Technology Systems Are No Substitute for Human Agency. In: Evans, K., Lee, W.O., Markowitsch, J., Zukas, M. (eds) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Salling Olesen, H. (2022). Changing Concepts and Tools for Realizing Lifelong Learning Strategies. In: Evans, K., Lee, W.O., Markowitsch, J., Zukas, M. (eds) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Leggett, H., Sandars, J., & Roberts, T. (2019). Twelve tips on how to provide self-regulated learning (SRL) enhanced feedback on clinical performance. Medical teacher, 41(2), 147–151.

Taylor, D. C., & Hamdy, H. (2013). Adult learning theories: implications for learning and teaching in medical education: AMEE Guide No. 83. Medical teacher, 35(11), e1561–e1572.

What are the 5 principles of deliberate practice?

Some take away messages...

"Talent is not enough. Practice is the difference between good and great. ...

Expert performance is hard work and requires repeated actions. ...

Focus - break it into manageable parts. ...

Goal setting and perseverance is key. ...

Feedback in the moment."

What are the 4 components of deliberate practice?

"There are four principles of purposeful practice:

You need to establish a (reachable) specific goal. ...

You must be maximally focused on improvement during practice. ...

You must receive immediate feedback on your performance. ...

You must get out of your comfort zone, constantly attempting things that are just out of reach."

Petrosoniak, A., Lu, M., Gray, S., Hicks, C., Sherbino, J., McGowan, M., & Monteiro, S. (2019). Perfecting practice: a protocol for assessing simulation-based mastery learning and deliberate practice versus self-guided practice for bougie-assisted cricothyroidotomy performance. BMC medical education, 19(1), 100.

"Show, TEL and Do*

for Mastery Training (MT), Deliberate Practice (DP)

and Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

In Small (Micro*) - Steps* of Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice and Micro-Scholarship

In domains of Service, Education (Learning, Teaching and Training), and Scholarship

Illustration of ascending staircase with series of steps from left to right, with circular graphic at one of the steps with three arrowheads and three zones - the three arrowheads representing Show, TEL and Do, and the three zones - Service, Education and Scholarship." - Poh-Sun Goh, 16 December 2022, Friday, 0722am, Singapore Time

See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)
Poh-Sun Goh, 9 April 2022, 0446am, Singapore Time

In our journey toward deeper personal and professional growth and development, we inevitably start the process as novices, progressing from competency and proficiency toward becoming an expert with mastery as the aspirational goal and aim. Getting exposure, developing awareness and ‘trying out’ or ‘Seeing’, to ‘See’ (one) begins the process, followed by repetitive practice (with reflection and feedback), ‘Doing’ or to ‘Do’ (one). When we share and ‘Teach’ (one) what we are learning, and have learnt, we deepen our understanding and insight of the ‘technical’ aspects of what we have learnt. When we engage in Scholarship, and ‘Write’, by doing (Do), then being (Be) a Scholar we progress further along the path of expertise. Achieving Mastery, and being a Master takes place when we go deeper, and both experience, examine and then Teach (again) the fundamental principles, and ideas underpinning and forming the foundation of technical practice. Therefore See, Do, Teach, Write, then Teach (again). -

"Our Tagline: (and Headline)

Micro-Content (bite-size, modular content) FOR (Micro-) Learning, Practice, Assessment and Scholarship

and !

not only Assessment for Learning, and Assessment AS Learning ... (Micro-) Assessment AS Scholarship ... this is well established ... open digital and analogue practice in the Arts ... where open drafting, open sketching, and open practice and practices from the very outset, from early prototyping to early sketches IS part of the practice and professional craft(ing) process."

Poh-Sun Goh, 18 December 2022, Sunday, 0451am, Singapore Time

"leadership is about empowering other people as a result of your presence--and making sure that impact continues into your absence."

"leaders must create the conditions for people to realize their own capacity and power" - from section "Defining Remote Work Leadership" in Chapter "What Do I Really Need to Know About Leading Virtually", page 133, Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere by Tsedal Neeley (Harvard Business School), 2021, 1st edition, Harper Business, HarperCollinsPublishers, New York



1) Undergraduate Educational and Training Activities - examples from Phase 1, 2, 3 and 5 (YLLSOM, NUS); Examples from postgraduate residency tutorials and training; instructional design, use of technology (to support learning and training), and applied learning science

2) NUS Teaching Academy -

3) Digital health competencies for undergraduate medical education: expert consensus eDelphi study

Prof Josip Car; Professor, Digital Health Sciences and Director, Centre for Population Health Sciences, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine; Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine; Scholar (Josip Car)

4) "Micro-Content (bite-size, modular content) FOR (Micro-) Learning, Practice, Assessment and Scholarship" - a sharing session with Poh-Sun Goh

on 20 February 2023, 10pm UK time / 21 February 2022, 6am Singapore time (on Zoom)

5) "Building Digital Literacy and Competencies in Health Professions Education; an interactive e-Workshop" with Poh-Sun Goh

on Sunday, 21 May 2023, 2.30pm Singapore Time (on Zoom)


This highly interactive e-Workshop will build on a presentation at ICHPE 2022 -

Sequentially exploring and building on 'Why' before "What' and 'How'. This session will be supported by a purpose built open access blog (website). Participants will be requested to engage with the material and exercises on this blog before the e-Workshop (around 1 hour of reading and reflection on their personal and institutional needs and requirements in Health Professions Education). After which, in the live e-Workshop session, we will engage in 60 minutes of interactive discussion on themes, topics and practices that are relevant and practically implementable for the participants, in the widest possible (resource and practice) settings. At the end of the session, each participant will have, and be requested to share, a single short (Post-it like) note of their personal take-aways, including a single doable action step, to not only share with fellow participants, but to be posted on the session blog.

"One week ahead of the day of the session, I will be emailing participants the website link for a purpose built open access website - - containing material for pre-reading, reflection and 'homework', which I request participants spend one hour working through before the session. There will be a 'micro-assessment' exercise where participants will be requested to post a comment on the blog of their personal takeaways from reviewing the session material, and potential action steps moving forward. The deadline for participants to post their 'homework' on blog is latest by Saturday, May 20, 2023; one day before the session. We will be starting the session reviewing these participants posts. Doing this 'homework' and posting on the bulletin board before the session is a mandatory preparation and learning activity before the session, in order to be prepared, have started process to personalise the session content and practices for their own professional setting and needs, and be to be able to participate fully, and derive maximum potential value from the interactive discussions during the live session."

Open access Google Doc for session

How to use Google Docs

About the Speaker:

Dr Goh Poh-Sun; ๅณ ๅฎ ๅฑฑ 

MBBS(Melb), FRCR, FAMS, MHPE(Maastricht), FAMEE. Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM), National University of Singapore (NUS). Senior Consultant, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National University Hospital (NUH), National University Health System (NUHS). Associate Member, Centre for Medical Education, YLLSOM, NUS. Member, AMEE TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) Committee (since 2011) 

Poh-Sun is a Clinical Radiologist at NUHS/YLLSOM@NUS and has worked at NUH since 1989. He is also a Medical Educator, with Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE) from Maastricht University (2012); with deep passion for both eLearning/Technology enhanced Learning and Faculty Development - locally and internationally. Dr Goh is formally trained as, and is an in-house Coach at YLLSOM. (visit for short description of professional activities and scholarship information)

Selected publications below:

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79.

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical teacher, 45:3, 307-312.

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time

Goh, PS. 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. 2021;33 (3): 171-174. Publication Date (Web): 2021 August 27

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.
see also

Sandars, J., Goh, P.S. Is there a need for a specific educational scholarship for using e-learning in medical education? Med Teach. 2016 Oct;38(10):1070-1071. Epub 2016 April 19.

Goh, P.S. eLearning or Technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not Hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. An innovative approach to digitally flip the classroom by using an online "graffiti wall" with a blog. Med Teach. 2016 Aug;38(8):858. Epub 2016 Jul 14.

Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11.


Stellefson, M., Hanik, B., Chaney, B., Chaney, D., Tennant, B., & Chavarria, E. A. (2011). eHealth literacy among college students: a systematic review with implications for eHealth education. Journal of medical Internet research, 13(4), e102.

Salcedo, D., Regan, J., Aebersold, M. et al. Frequently Used Conceptual Frameworks and Design Principles for Extended Reality in Health Professions Education. Med.Sci.Educ. 32, 1587–1595 (2022).


"6G networks are also said to have the potential to make the digital and physical world indistinguishable through holographic telepresence, as well as augmented reality and virtual reality (VR) technologies.

What’s more, 6G networks could deliver the promise of edge computing, where data processing is done by hardware mounted on, for example, a lamp post close to the user of a self-driving car or a pair of VR glasses, rather than in a data centre located far away. This also means the driverless car or the VR glasses need not be too bulky."

"As for Apple’s upcoming headset, there’s no guarantee the AR/VR gear will be a smash hit. According to The Verge, people who purchased one of Meta’s VR headsets in recent months are using it less often than those who bought them earlier in their life cycles.

That could mean that earlier adopters are simply more interested in the technology, while mainstream consumers aren’t particularly attached to it.

Apple will need its headset to be a truly impressive product if it’s going to drive massive consumer interest."

"The human mind is not like ChatGPT and its ilk, a lumbering statistical engine for pattern matching, gorging on hundreds of terabytes of data and extrapolating the most likely conversational response or most probable answer to a scientific question. On the contrary, the human mind is a surprisingly efficient and even elegant system that operates with small amounts of information; it seeks not to infer brute correlations among data points but to create explanations."

- above quoted from - Noam Chomsky: The false promise of chatGPT

"Access to knowledge and information has been democratized, but the ability to utilize it in a smart way has become the essence of expertise and intellectual competence."

- above quoted from
Author Talks: In the ‘age of AI,’ what does it mean to be smart? March 16, 2023 interview with Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, on McKinsey Featured Insights

"OpenAI announced that GPT-4 showed “human-level” performance on a range of standardised tests such as the US Bar exam and the SAT school tests, and showed off how its partners were using the AI software to create new products and services."

- above quoted from - "GPT-4 from OpenAI shows advances — and moneymaking potential, Financial Times" by Madhumita Murgia, Artificial Intelligence Editor, Financial Times, March 18, 2023

"AI doesn’t take over jobs, it takes over tasks" quoted from "Generative AI: autocomplete for everything" 
by Noah Smith and roon, December 1, 2022

Martha Lane Fox warns against hysteria over AI (BBC Technology)


Leonard Kuan-Pei Wang, Praneet Sai Paidisetty & Alicia Magdalena Cano (2023) The next paradigm shift? ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, and medical education, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2198663


Apple Wants to Solve One of Music’s Biggest Problems
Forget the metaverse. The future is metadata. It’s how the world’s most valuable company built a better way of listening to Mozart and Beethoven.

Ken Masters (2023) Ethical use of artificial intelligence in health professions education: AMEE Guide No.158, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2186203 

Heather MacNeill, Ken Masters, Kataryna Nemethy & Raquel Correia (2023) Online learning in health professions education. Part 1: Teaching and learning in online environments: AMEE Guide No. 161, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2197135






6) - 9) APMEC 2023 - Workshop and Symposia

- Facilitator for ESME Course @ APMEC 2023

Strategies for Developing Open Education Resources (OER) in Medical Education (pre-conference workshop), Thursday, 25 May 2023, 8am - 12noon (GMT +8.00) Singapore Time

Travel Award, Paper selected for oral presentation, 50th Japanese Society for Medical Education (JSME) Annual Scientific Meeting, Tokyo 2018

Hettige, S., Dasanayaka, E. & Ediriweera, D.S. Student usage of open educational resources and social media at a Sri Lanka Medical School. BMC Med Educ 22, 35 (2022).

Patel, D., & Parsley, S. (2015). Open educational resources. Community eye health, 28(90), 34.

Hilton, J. Open educational resources and college textbook choices: a review of research on efficacy and perceptions. Education Tech Research Dev 64, 573–590 (2016).

above illustration
By Evolution and evolvability - Own work, CC BY 4.0,

building on previous presentation and published work below:

IAMSE Virtual Forum Lightning Talk, 5th or 6th December 2022

Our 'pitch' and key takeaway is a simple one:

That Learning, and Scholarship are similar; both taken in small iterative, cumulative steps. We learn best and engage in scholarship working together within a Community of Interest and Community of Practice. Scholarship is open, public practice, an extension of learning. We "See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)". We "Take Note, Make Notes, then Share Notes". - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 November 2022, Saturday, 0423am, Singapore Time


Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical teacher, 45:3, 307-312.

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79.

Innovations in Medical Education: Getting Beyond the Hype to What Really Works (symposium), Friday, 26 May 2023

Travel Award, Paper selected for oral presentation, 50th Japanese Society for Medical Education (JSME) Annual Scientific Meeting, Tokyo 2018

Goh, PS. 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. 2021;33 (3): 171-174. Publication Date (Web): 2021 August 27

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.
see also

Sandars, J., Goh, P.S. Is there a need for a specific educational scholarship for using e-learning in medical education? Med Teach. 2016 Oct;38(10):1070-1071. Epub 2016 April 19.

Goh, P.S. eLearning or Technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not Hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. An innovative approach to digitally flip the classroom by using an online "graffiti wall" with a blog. Med Teach. 2016 Aug;38(8):858. Epub 2016 Jul 14.

Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11.

Innovations in Medical Education: Getting Beyond the Hype to What Really Works

Medical education, like any other field, benefits from advances driven by innovations over time. However, the innovation process is often misunderstood and mythicized by leaders and the general public. Education and innovation share a unique relationship in that successful innovation involves accelerated learning and development of novel insights. Consequently, the evolution of how we learn and teach impacts how we innovate.

In this symposium, we investigate the role of innovation in advancing the field of medical education to create new, sustainable value for healthcare, patients and society. We define what innovation is and address common misconceptions. Major innovations and their impacts to medical education will be reviewed. We will then explore the current state of education technology which has seen an acceleration in innovation over the past. There will be a focus on promising, emerging technologies. Next, we will describe major systematic approaches to innovation such as design thinking and lean methodology. Finally, we explore how education innovations can be sustained over time, even in low-resource settings.

Moderator: Tao Le

Understanding successful innovations 
Ronald Harden

Successful innovations relating to admission to medical studies, the curriculum and assessment of the product will be considered. The penetration and success of the innovations can be attributed to a number of underlying, common factors. A key characteristic, as argued by Simon Sinek (2009) in the book Start with Why, was that they each had a clear purpose. This was to contribute to the delivery of an authentic and relevant programme. Also common to the innovations were four characteristics which had been described by Jack Schneider (2014) as crucial to the adoption of an innovation: perceived significance, philosophical compatibility, occupational realism and inference portability.

New directions in education technology 
Poh Sun Goh

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a bright light on the importance of education technology. We will discuss three new “directions” or paths - exemplified by Virtual/Augmented and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR); Artificial Intelligence (AI) including the latest debates on generative AI and ChatGPT; and the current and future promise of mobile technology/networks anchored on 5G and future 6G wireless technology. The discussion will be strongly anchored on addressing the “job to be done” to quote Clayton Christensen. We will frame the use of educational technology in the context of “human needs” by augmenting, expanding and extending our human capabilities and reach, and ultimately bringing us closer together.

Design thinking and other methods of innovation 
Tao Le

Contrary to popular belief, major inventions usually do not develop from spontaneous “Aha!” moments of sudden enlightenment. They are more likely to evolve from innovation systems characterized by structured processes implemented by determined teams over an extended period. Design thinking is a human-centered approach to creative problem solving. Focusing on the humans involved such as educators, students and patients is likely to lead better, more impactful products, services and internal processes. We will describe other innovation approaches such as systems thinking, agile methodology and lean startup and their applications.

Sustaining education innovation in low resource settings 
Hoan Minh Nguyen

Innovation programs in education can be limited in time and quantity of funding, budgeting, and other support mechanisms. Integrating and sharing the effort with established systems, private-public partnerships, the local community, and other stakeholders is essential to maintain innovation outcomes. We will share work examples from the Partnership for Health Advancement in Vietnam’s (HAIVN) that illustrate how adapting educational innovations can contribute to successful curricular reform at the country’s medical schools in low-resource settings.


Closing Pecha Kucha session - AMEE 2016

Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations
Presenter: Poh-Sun Goh

Three "new", topical and trending areas to reflect upon are Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR); Machine learning or Artificial Intelligence (AI)/big data/data analytics; and Robotics. Four interrelated "useful" features of Technology enhanced learning (TeL) relate to the utility of digital content, the connectivity provided by the internet, the use of mobile devices, and the functionality provided by software and digital applications or Apps. Some "important" considerations using TeL relate to usability, cost, the conscious use of instructional design and pedagogical best practices and evidence, and maintaining a scholarly mindset.

Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.
see also


#IAMSE 2020 Plenary Highlight Poh-Sun Goh

Medical Educator Roles of the Future
Presenter: Poh-Sun Goh – National University of Singapore
Plenary Address: Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

This session will explore how near future technology can impact how we educate healthcare professionals and the way they provide care.

In this address, the idea is to examine how “new” methods and platforms for displaying information, engaging an audience, extending and expanding the cognitive presence of “the instructor”, and increasingly “guide” will transform the learning experience, and training outcomes, of our educational efforts; and also explore how these same technologies, which will include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), online and re-imagined out-of-the-simulation-center skill training experiences (inspired and modeled after gaming platforms), can augment, enhance, and transform how we educate and train healthcare professionals, along the whole continuum of learning, from undergraduate learning, through postgraduate training, to lifelong learning and continuing professional development settings.

24th Annual IAMSE meeting

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.


"6G networks are also said to have the potential to make the digital and physical world indistinguishable through holographic telepresence, as well as augmented reality and virtual reality (VR) technologies.

What’s more, 6G networks could deliver the promise of edge computing, where data processing is done by hardware mounted on, for example, a lamp post close to the user of a self-driving car or a pair of VR glasses, rather than in a data centre located far away. This also means the driverless car or the VR glasses need not be too bulky."

"As for Apple’s upcoming headset, there’s no guarantee the AR/VR gear will be a smash hit. According to The Verge, people who purchased one of Meta’s VR headsets in recent months are using it less often than those who bought them earlier in their life cycles.

That could mean that earlier adopters are simply more interested in the technology, while mainstream consumers aren’t particularly attached to it.

Apple will need its headset to be a truly impressive product if it’s going to drive massive consumer interest."

"The human mind is not like ChatGPT and its ilk, a lumbering statistical engine for pattern matching, gorging on hundreds of terabytes of data and extrapolating the most likely conversational response or most probable answer to a scientific question. On the contrary, the human mind is a surprisingly efficient and even elegant system that operates with small amounts of information; it seeks not to infer brute correlations among data points but to create explanations."

- above quoted from - Noam Chomsky: The false promise of chatGPT

"AI doesn’t take over jobs, it takes over tasks" quoted from "Generative AI: autocomplete for everything" 
by Noah Smith and roon, December 1, 2022

Martha Lane Fox warns against hysteria over AI (BBC Technology)

Leonard Kuan-Pei Wang, Praneet Sai Paidisetty & Alicia Magdalena Cano (2023) The next paradigm shift? ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, and medical education, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2198663


Apple Wants to Solve One of Music’s Biggest Problems
Forget the metaverse. The future is metadata. It’s how the world’s most valuable company built a better way of listening to Mozart and Beethoven.

Ken Masters (2023) Ethical use of artificial intelligence in health professions education: AMEE Guide No.158, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2186203 

Heather MacNeill, Ken Masters, Kataryna Nemethy & Raquel Correia (2023) Online learning in health professions education. Part 1: Teaching and learning in online environments: AMEE Guide No. 161, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2197135

- Coaching as a high impact intervention in Health Professions Education (symposium), Saturday, 27 May 2023


Shorey, S., Ang, E., Chua, J., & Goh, P. S. (2022). Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review. Nurse education today, 109, 105222.

Short Communication on ‘The Role of Coaching in Health Professions Education’ at APMEC 2022 -

Coaching as a high impact intervention in Health Professions Education (APMEC 2023 symposium), Saturday, 27 May 2023




Overview, Background Theory and Literature Review

Poh-Sun Goh

Will focus on two areas. 1) Compare and contrast, with examples and literature, what coaching, compared with mentoring, guidance and direct instruction is good for, specificially 'What the job to be done’ is, essentially what you ‘hire’ a coach for. 2) Then describe in outline form ‘what’ coaching is, compared with mentoring, guiding, and direct instruction. 

Lai, Yi-Ling & Passmore, Jonathan. (2019). Coaching psychology: Exploring definitions and research contribution to practice?. International Coaching Psychology Review. 14. 69-83. 10.53841/bpsicpr.2019.14.2.69. 

Coaching Conversations with Medical Students - How, What and Why

Elizabeth Teh

Will talk about the structure of ontological coaching conversations; based on the 8Ps model, leading up to the group presenting the “What is coaching?” card at the end of the session.

Focusing on two main points: 1) Questions that a coach might ask to facilitate the client’s self-discovery (as opposed to questions we might ask as a teacher or mentor), and 2) Skills and competencies required of a coach to create a safe, engaging space for an effective coaching conversation.

Elevating the Medical School Experience Through Coaching: Common Themes and Approaches to Overcoming Challenges Students Face

Nisha Kesavan

Willl first address some common themes and challenges medical students face.

Then speak about how a coach approaches challenges that a coachee raises, as well as how we can jointly develop strategies they can implement in their lives to overcome these hurdles.

Key Considerations in Developing and Implementing a Coaching Program in Medical Education

Kesavan Esuvaranathan

This will be a candid, before and after narrative of the key considerations in introducing a novel coaching program into a heavily structured and dense medical curriculum.

The presentation will outline the careful planning necessary to avoid major pitfalls and also discuss the flexibility and creativity require to respond strategically to traditional medical culture and legacy systems in medical education.




“Simply put. Coaching to - 'Feel’ Good, ‘Look’ Good, and ‘Be’ Good
where ‘Good’ - is defined by Coachee, with assisted awareness, through reflection, working in partnership with the Coach
where Feel - includes Somatic, Thinking, and Emotions 
where ‘Look and Be’ - includes what the ‘mirror’ and ‘world’ sees, from ‘Appearance’ and Performance’, including observations and feedback from the Coach.”
Poh-Sun Goh, Monday, 17 April 2023, 0711am, Singapore time

Building on Short Communication on ‘The Role of Coaching in Health Professions Education’ presented at APMEC 2022 -

Shorey, S., Ang, E., Chua, J., & Goh, P. S. (2022). Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review. Nurse education today, 109, 105222.

Hammoud MM, Deiorio NM, Moore M, Wolff M. Coaching in Medical Education. 1st ed. Elsevier; 2023.

Lovell, Ben. (2017). What do we know about coaching in medical education? A literature review. Medical Education. 52. 10.1111/medu.13482.

Wolff, M., Hammoud, M., Santen, S., Deiorio, N., & Fix, M. (2020). Coaching in undergraduate medical education: a national survey. Medical education online, 25(1), 1699765.

"Advising, Mentoring and being Sponsored can get you in the door, help open the door. Coaching and being Coached helps you decide which room to go in, and keeps you in the room, by understanding your why, your motivations. What you need. Why you think and feel you need these. Ultimately what underpins and forms the foundation of your Academic, Clinical and Professional Performance and Presence. Coaching keeps you in the room." Poh-Sun Goh, Monday, 17 April 2023, 0736am, Singapore Time

above comment in response to Table 5, in article below

Margaret Wolff, Maya Hammoud, Sally Santen, Nicole Deiorio & Megan Fix (2020) Coaching in undergraduate medical education: a national survey, Medical Education Online, 25:1, DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2019.1699765

Maini, A., Fyfe, M. & Kumar, S. Medical students as health coaches: adding value for patients and students. BMC Med Educ 20, 182 (2020).

Graddy, Ryan MD; Wright, Scott MD. On the Value of Coaching in Medicine. Academic Medicine 91(8):p 1037, August 2016. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001270 

Lovell, Ben. (2017). What do we know about coaching in medical education? A literature review. Medical Education. 52. 10.1111/medu.13482.  

Carney, P.A., Bonura, E.M., Kraakevik, J.A. et al. Measuring Coaching in Undergraduate Medical Education: the Development and Psychometric Validation of New Instruments. J GEN INTERN MED 34, 677–683 (2019).

N. DeTurk, S., J. Kaza, A., & Ng Pellegrino, A. (2022). Coaching and Mentoring: Focus on Graduate Medical Education. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.94182 

Definition of Coaching by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) 
"ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a client-driven process. 
The coach’s responsibility is to:
• Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve
• Encourage client self-discovery
• Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
• Hold the client responsible and accountable
The coaching process helps clients improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their
leadership skills and unlocking their potential."
quoted from 'Unlock your Potential' by the ICF, accessed from, on 4 October 2022

"What zone am I in right now? ... What am I giving my attention to? ...What actions can I take right now?
The only way to get a new result is to take a new action ... (the questions above) can unlock new pathways when the territory gets unclear. Managing yourself starts with managing your nervous system, what you give your energy to, and what actions you can take. This is where you can begin to make a difference for your present and future."
- above quotes from "The Drucker Difference: Three Questions to Ask Yourself When Things Get Tough" with Jeremy Hunter, accessed on 9 April 2023 at


"The top of one mountain is always the bottom of another." - Marianne Williamson

"In accepting his (Tony) award (after a 50 year career), (Andre) De Shields shared his three cardinal rules for longevity: One, surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming. Two, slowly is the fastest way to get where you want to be. And three, the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing, he said." quote from -

10) IAMSE 2023 - Pre-Conference Course, Saturday, 10 June 2023, Cancun

Session Details


Pre-Conference Course: The 5S of Small, Sustainable, Steps to Successful Scholarship for Health Professions Educators

Date & Time

Saturday, 10 June 2023, 12:15 - 15:15


Alice Fornari - Donald and Barbara Zucker SOM at Hofstra/Northwell

Mildred Lรณpez - Tecnologico de Monterrey

Sol Roberts-Lieb - Carle illinois College of Medicine

Elisabeth Schlegel - Western Atlantic University School of Medicine

Poh-Sun Goh - National University of Singapore


Getting started and continuing in scholarship can be a challenge for all faculty as faculty need to know the how and have continuous faculty development in a distributed world. This workshop will provide participants with the theoretical background of Micro-Scholarship ( Goh, Roberts-Lieb, Sandars 2022), the process and potential use of a wide variety of technologies for Micro-Scholarship, and an opportunity to actively plan how they can develop and present their own scholarship of being a medical educator. In addition, participants will develop their approach to metareflection and identify supportive communities of practice and mentors.

Session Type


building on previous presentation and published work below:

IAMSE Virtual Forum Lightning Talk, 5th or 6th December 2022

Our 'pitch' and key takeaway is a simple one:

That Learning, and Scholarship are similar; both taken in small iterative, cumulative steps. We learn best and engage in scholarship working together within a Community of Interest and Community of Practice. Scholarship is open, public practice, an extension of learning. We "See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)". We "Take Note, Make Notes, then Share Notes". - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 November 2022, Saturday, 0423am, Singapore Time



Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical teacher, 45:3, 307-312.

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79.

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. (The Asia Pacific Scholar, submitted revision on 3 October 2022, accepted for publication 1 November 2022; to be published in April 2023 issue.)

The Asia Pacific Scholar Journal Homepage

Roberts-Lieb, S, Goh, PS, Sandars, J. Using Technology for Translating Micro-Scholarship to Practice. (Medical Science Educator - resubmitted after revision, Saturday, 11 March 2023)

Medical Science Educator Journal Homepage

AMEE Guide on Micro-Scholarship

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (submitted to Medical Teacher, 15 February 2023)

Medical Teacher Journal Homepage

Heather MacNeill, Ken Masters, Kataryna Nemethy & Raquel Correia (2023) Online learning in health professions education. Part 1: Teaching and learning in online environments: AMEE Guide No. 161, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2197135

11) Facilitator for Technology enhanced learning CenMED workshop - 3 August 2023


Heather MacNeill, Ken Masters, Kataryna Nemethy & Raquel Correia (2023) Online learning in health professions education. Part 1: Teaching and learning in online environments: AMEE Guide No. 161, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2197135

12) AMEE 2023, Glasgow - 26 to 30 August 2023, SEC Conference Center, Glasgow

“The main theme of AMEE 2023 is ‘Inclusive Learning Environments to Transform the Future’ but other key areas in health professions education will also be included.’

Travel Award, Paper selected for oral presentation, 50th Japanese Society for Medical Education (JSME) Annual Scientific Meeting, Tokyo 2018

Abstract ID: 5894

Title: Strategies for developing open education resources (OER) in medical education

Accepted as: Workshop, AMEE 2023

Presenter location: In Person

Presenter(s): Poh-Sun Goh. Teresa Chan. Tao Le. Tomlin Paul.

13) Member, IAMSE Sub-Committee on AI in Health Professions Education of the IAMSE Professional Development Committee

Goh, PS. Medical Educator Roles of the Future. (2020). Med.Sci.Educ. 30 (Suppl 1), 5–7.

14) Learn Serve Lead 2023: The AAMC Annual Meeting; Seattle, Wash.; November 3, 2023 - November 7, 2023

Academic Medicine (journal)

15) ISSOTL 2023 Conference, Utrecht, 8 - 11 November 2023

16) SingHealth Duke-NUS Radiological Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (RADSC ACP)

RADSC ACP Academic Day 2023 (18 Nov 2023)

Plenary Lecture (Education)

Future roles of Educators in Radiology Profession, Approaches to Scholarship Radiology Education, Leveraging on Technology for Radiology Education

Exploring Emerging Opportunities - Future Roles, Technology and Scholarship in Radiology Education

By Goh Poh Sun

How can we do more? Expand activities? Have greater impact?

What are our current, and potential future roles? In Clinical Care, Education and Training, Research and Scholarship? How can we assist and add value to interactions with clinicians? Patients? How do we build on our integrated role in Clinical Care, Education and Training? Our interactions and trust with Clinicians? Our location within Medical Schools and Curriculums? Within Academic Medical Centres and Hospitals? Add value to the scans we produce? The opinions we give? (the Radiology Report), The procedures we perform?

How can we approach Scholarship? Engage in Scholarship? For all?

How can we take full advantage of Technology to do more? Expand our activities? Have greater impact? Scale? Deepen? Extend?

Goh, PS. Medical Educator Roles of the Future. (2020). Med.Sci.Educ. 30 (Suppl 1), 5–7.

17) APMEC 2024 - Colombo, Sri Lanka, 17-21, January 2024

Artificial Intelligence in Health Professions Education

Pre-conference workshop: Basics of AI in Health Professions Education - AI for All

Conference Symposium: Open Education In Health Professions Education: Journeying Beyond Open Access

18) AMEE Webinar: Culture Diversity in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Health Professions Education

19) OTTAWA 2024 - Melbourne, Australia, 24-28 February 2024

Assessment Near and Far

In-conference workshop: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education

20) IAMSE 2024 - Minneapolis, MINNESOTA, June 15-18, 2024

Pre-conference workshop: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivise Faculty Professional Development

Focus session: Enhancing Leadership Skills through Emotional and Cultural Intelligence

21) Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop @ CenMED, NUS

3 July 2024 - National University of Singapore, MD1, Tahir Foundation Building, Level 3, Multi-Purpose Hall 1

22) Webinar Presentation: Al-Sadiq International Virtual University-August 17th, 2024

Exploring some useful ideas from the Past, and Present to inform the Future of Health Professions Education

By Poh-Sun Goh

9am GMT, 5pm Singapore Time

23) AMEE 2024 - Basel, Switzerland, 24 - 28 August 2024

The theme of AMEE 2024 is ‘Develop your educational career: connect, grow and inspire with AMEE 2024’.

The theme of AMEE 2024 is ‘Develop your educational career: connect, grow and inspire with AMEE 2024’.

(see Tracks and Themes)

AI Symposium

Session 2: AI Powered Personalised Learning

Presenters(s): Poh-Sun Goh, Julius Kaminski

AMEE 2024 in-conference workshop

Going to the next level of Micro-learning from Micro-Teaching: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education

Presenter(s): Poh-Sun Goh, Elisabeth Schlegel, Alice Fornari

Session Details: 6O: Conference Workshop - Going to the next level of Micro-learning from Micro-Teaching: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education, 27th August 2024, 09:00 - 10:30, Room: Kairo 1

AMEE 2024 in-conference workshop

Strategies for developing open education resources (OER) in health professions education

Presenter(s): Tao Le, Poh-Sun Goh

Session Details: 8O: Conference Workshop - Strategies for developing open education resources (OER) in health professions education, 27th August 2024, 14:00 - 15:30, Room: Kairo 1

24) XIX National and V International Forum on Health Education, Oct 7 - 11, 2024

Presentation on "AI in Health Professions Education"

25) NUHS Emergency Medicine Grand Round, Thursday 24 October 2024, 1.20-2pm

"Applying principles of multimedia design to a teaching presentation - to promote engagement and learning".

26) APMEC 2025 - Singapore - 13 to 18 January 2025

The conference theme is - "Developing a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner for a Sustainable Future – Trends ● Issues ● Priorities ● Strategies"

W1A3: Workshop Title: Cultivating Holistic Healthcare Practitioners for a Sustainable Future

Poh-Sun Goh, Mildred Lopez, Elisabeth Schlegel

Venue: NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House or Shaw Foundation Alumni House

Wednesday 15 January 2025, 8.00 am to 12.00 pm (GMT+8:00) Singapore.

W1P7: Strategies for Developing Open Education Resources (OER) in Medical Education

Tao Le and Goh Poh Sun

Venue: NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House or Shaw Foundation Alumni House

Wednesday 15 January 2025, 1pm - 5pm, Singapore.

Conference Symposium: The Generative AI Odyssey: A Year of Navigating New Frontiers

Poh-Sun Goh, Mildred Lopez, Elisabeth Schlegel

Venue: NUS University Cultural Centre

Saturday 18 January 2025, 9am to 10am

27) IAMSE 2025 - June 14-17, 2025; Calgary, Alberta, Canada

28) AMEE 2025 - August, 23 - 27, 2025; Barcelona, Spain

29) Digital and Visual Storytelling

Going Digital: A Roadmap for Organisational Transformation by Lucy Kueng

Creating the Next Generation of Product Thinkers

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