Tuesday 25 October 2022

Small Steps to Successful Scholarship in Health Professions Education - From Micro to Meta Levels

Small Steps to Successful Scholarship in Health Professions Education - From Micro to Meta Levels

Elisabeth Schlegel and Poh-Sun Goh

IAMSE 2022 Virtual Forum, December 2022





Small Steps to Successful Scholarship in Health Professions Education - from Micro to Meta Levels 

Elisabeth Schlegel (* presenter) and Poh-Sun Goh



>> design visual - Slide 1 to 8 - with key idea from Slide 1 to Slide 7 as sequential steps on a 'staircase' along journey from bite size, just-in-time Micro-Learning, through Micro-Practice, to Micro-Scholarship

Slide 1

A new approach to Scholarship in HPE (Health Professions Education) - taking small steps from Micro- to Macro- to Meta- Levels

Our 'pitch' and key takeaway is a simple one:

That Learning, and Scholarship are similar; both taken in small iterative, cumulative steps. We learn best and engage in scholarship working together within a Community of Interest and Community of Practice. Scholarship is open, public practice, an extension of learning. We "See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)". We "Take Note, Make Notes, then Share Notes". - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 November 2022, Saturday, 0423am, Singapore Time

above first posted on


Slide 2

"How can we make learning, professional practice and development, and scholarship accessible and available to all? Whether a new student, novice practitioner, or early scholar?

We offer the following 'recipe' and process:

We learn in small bites (bytes). Taking small (micro-) steps. Small (micro-) efforts. 

These add up, accumulate, compound and cumulatively, with instruction, guidance, reflection and feedback, supported by a practice environment and Community of Practice (CoP) lead to progressive mastery - knowledge, skills and attitudes (heads, hands and hearts).

Technology tools and platforms, and (social-professional) networks, institutional, organisational and loose CoP networks, support and facilitate Learning, Practice and Scholarship."

above first posted on


Slide 3

"What does a single small step, of Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice and Micro-Scholarship look like?

Consider one unit, one piece of knowledge or skill. At its most granular level. For example one concept, it's definition, how to use and apply it. One illustration. One demonstration (of a skill). Add a single (or more) instructional idea or tip, a single (or more) reflection, and example(s) of application to form a unit of individual Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice and through open engagement and (digital) practice Micro-Scholarship.

We See (are exposed to, and observe), Do (explore, practice with guidance, reflection and feedback), Teach (including peer teaching and sharing, learn through recall, explanation, elaboration and recall), and engage in Scholarship (through documenting, writing, producing e.g. creating, curating, combining, integrating, applying and using - teaching and sharing; the Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application and Practice-Teaching [Boyer], with intentionality and informed [Glassick] and through open (digital) practice [Shulman]).

We learn, practice and engage in scholarship in small steps. Which add up. Accessible and available to all."

above first posted on


Slide 4

"scholarship, like clinical or educational practice occurs in small sequential steps (ideally taken at regular, even daily intervals); each step is additive, and cumulative, as part an academic journey; each step can be documented, digitally, and visible - for open access, inspection, review; each step can be created, or curated with proper attribution, and 'value add' e.g. commentary, customisation, to enable each step to be a modular, free-standing, usable 'piece' of 'Micro-Scholarship. I audience test response to and of content by sharing selected content on Blogger (like this blogpost), Instagram - for short text, references, illustrations; and pay close attention to how the online (Communities of Practice) CoP and (Communities of Interest) CoI share and comment on this on Facebook, Twitter etc." - posted in Thread 1 section, accessible at https://medicaleducationelearning.blogspot.com/2021/04/sotl-and-rime-cenmed-nus-workshop-2021.html 


#BuildingBlocksOfScholarship in #MedicalEducation



#Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education #Scholarship in MedEd #Micro-Scholarship


Slide 5


Goh P. S. (2016). Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Medical Teacher, 38(6), 628–629. https://doi.org/10.3109/0142159X.2015.1105947

Schlegel, E. (2021). (Not Only) for Medical Students: Get involved in Medical Education Research & Scholarship. http://elisabeth-fm-schlegel.weebly.com/elearning-bites/not-only-for-medical-students-get-involved-in-medical-education-research-scholarship

to a proposed innovation in scholarship - Micro-Scholarship

Goh, P.S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2022). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical Teacher, 1–6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2022.2133689


Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. (The Asia Pacific Scholar, submitted revision on 3 October 2022, accepted for publication 1 November 2022).

Slide 6

"Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship, for many, 'is' the (only) content they will review, preview, sample or use.

To decide when, and if, to go deeper.

Is also likely to be what is remembered, recalled, and used.

Including the key idea, or takeaway; the key phrase or key word, to look up in the future."

above first posted on


Slide 7

"Expanding Extending and Elaborating the Process and Practice of Scholarship in Medical Education

- Building on the Past, Expanding Current Practice, to Embrace a digitally connected Collective Commons

Public Practice, Peer Reviewed, and on Platforms for others to Build Upon 

  • (expand, extend, and elaborate on ideas, and models of) Public Practice - including 'open digital direct to audience, directly visible global practice' - similar to open kitchens (open culinary art), open sketching and painting (in visual arts)
  • (expand, extend, and elaborate on ideas, and models of) Public Review - including an expanded and extended Audience of Professional Practitioners and 'Users', the 'silent audience' at formal academic meetings and conferences, but 'active users and professional practitioners', including addressing 'market forces', 'market acceptance', usability, design thinking, action research, and rapid prototyping
  • (expand, extend, and elaborate on ideas, and models of) Platforms for others to Build Upon - including digital and hybrid loose Communities of Interest and Practice (CoI and CoP), in addition to Professional Associations and Societies, Meetings and Journal Publications"

above first posted on


Slide 8

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time



Our 'pitch' and key takeaway is a simple one:

That Learning, and Scholarship are similar; both taken in small iterative, cumulative steps. We learn best and engage in scholarship working together within a Community of Interest and Community of Practice. Scholarship is open, public practice, an extension of learning. We "See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)". We "Take Note, Make Notes, then Share Notes". - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 November 2022, Saturday, 0423am, Singapore Time



Goh, P.S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2022). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical Teacher, 1–6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2022.2133689

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time

Schlegel, E. (2021). (Not Only) for Medical Students: Get involved in Medical Education Research & Scholarship. http://elisabeth-fm-schlegel.weebly.com/elearning-bites/not-only-for-medical-students-get-involved-in-medical-education-research-scholarship

Avital Y. O'Glasser, Vineet M. Arora, Teresa M. Chan; Capturing and Articulating Visual Media as Scholarship. J Grad Med Educ 1 April 2022; 14 (2): 233–234. doi: https://doi.org/10.4300/JGME-D-22-00112.1

Yilmaz, Y, Papanagnou, D, Fornari, A, Chan, TM. The Learning Loop: Conceptualizing Just-in-Time Faculty Development. AEM Educ Train. 2022; 6:e10722. https://doi.org/10.1002/aet2.10722

Breu, A. C., Abrams, H. R., Manning, K. D., & Cooper, A. Z. (2021). Tweetorials for Medical Educators. Journal of graduate medical education, 13(5), 723–725. https://doi.org/10.4300/JGME-D-21-00767.1

Breu, A. C., & Cooper, A. Z. (2022). Tweetorials: Digital scholarship deserving of inclusion in promotion portfolios. Medical teacher, 44(4), 450–452. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2022.2029383


See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again)
Poh-Sun Goh, 9 April 2022, 0446am, Singapore Time

In our journey toward deeper personal and professional growth and development, we inevitably start the process as novices, progressing from competency and proficiency toward becoming an expert with mastery as the aspirational goal and aim. Getting exposure, developing awareness and ‘trying out’ or ‘Seeing’, to ‘See’ (one) begins the process, followed by repetitive practice (with reflection and feedback), ‘Doing’ or to ‘Do’ (one). When we share and ‘Teach’ (one) what we are learning, and have learnt, we deepen our understanding and insight of the ‘technical’ aspects of what we have learnt. When we engage in Scholarship, and ‘Write’, by doing (Do), then being (Be) a Scholar we progress further along the path of expertise. Achieving Mastery, and being a Master takes place when we go deeper, and both experience, examine and then Teach (again) the fundamental principles, and ideas underpinning and forming the foundation of technical practice. Therefore See, Do, Teach, Write, then Teach (again). - https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGraM0vrW5/

'the way,' or enlightenment is attained through personal reflective-practice - (see preface from "Novice to Master: An Ongoing Lesson in the Extent of My Own Stupidity by Soko Morinaga) 

Persky, A. M., & Robinson, J. D. (2017). Moving from Novice to Expertise and Its Implications for Instruction. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 81(9), 6065. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe6065


"Applied Learning Science

Micro-Scholarship practice aligns itself with what we know from learning science - specifically related to limitations in ‘working memory’ (situated before short and long term memory), our ‘attention span’, and applied motivation theory - we pay attention to, devote cognitive bandwidth to what is relevant, and useful (amongst the myriad of cognitive and environmental stimuli we are exposed to on a moment to moment, ongoing basis).

In curating, creating and cultivating micro-content, we recommend to ‘keep it brief, and to the point’ - whether text, images, illustrations audio narration, multimedia content, mixed or extended reality material - including time required to ‘get to the point’. As you assemble and stack micro-content together, you are effectively ‘building short and long term memories’ (to use an applied memory model analogy).

Hence the popularity of bite-sized, modular, on-demand, work-place learning and training content, including content for interactive discussion and applied active learning.

Catch attention - with bite-size content, for learners to ‘take note of’; to then explore and practice with this content, by ‘making notes’, and then demonstrating increasing mastery and deeper understanding of this content, including how to apply this through ‘sharing notes’, ‘open (digital) practice’ and Scholarship (both Micro-Scholarship and eventually Macro-Scholarship)."

Poh-Sun Goh, 12 November, 2022, Saturday, 0243am, Singapore Time

Cowan N. (2008). What are the differences between long-term, short-term, and working memory?. Progress in brain research, 169, 323–338. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0079-6123(07)00020-9

Camina, E., & Güell, F. (2017). The Neuroanatomical, Neurophysiological and Psychological Basis of Memory: Current Models and Their Origins. Frontiers in pharmacology, 8, 438. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2017.00438


'A (digital) Professional Portfolio is simply a record of experience and proficiency. What one's (you) know, can do, and have done (previously). A record / portfolio of Scholarship can be simply thought of as a public Professional Portfolio. Granular and modular items within this Portfolio are Micro-Competencies arising from Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning. Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice to build Micro-Competencies, which can be demonstrated as Micro-Scholarship, forming components of (a) Scholarship (professional) Portfolio (of work). - Poh-Sun Goh, 18 November 2022, 0335am, Singapore Time

the ePortfolio is both endpoint, and apex practice along spectrum of practice, i.e. "know-knows how-shows how-does" (Miller’s prism -https://www.stemlynsblog.org/better-learning/educational-theories-you-must-know-st-emlyns/educational-theories-you-must-know-millers-pyramid-st-emlyns/)


"Micro-Scholarship is simply, and can be a logical extension of Micro-Learning and Micro-Practice i.e. that Micro-Scholarship is 'public' demonstration of outcomes of Micro-Learning and Micro-Practice (expanding on See-Do-Teach analogy).

Micro-Scholarship, and Scholarship 'is' an effective way to build a portfolio of Micro-Credentials - to show what one has done, and can do - that is portable, and not linked to a specific current role or job [I feel that this is a real value-add and reason for all to engage in Micro-Scholarship and Scholarship in general - to build one's (public) professional profile, and public portfolio of work.]"

- Poh-Sun Goh, 19 November 2022, Saturday, 0333am, Singapore Time


"When the student is ready the teacher will appear."
- Laozi

"You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen."
- Vince Gowmon

“I do not teach anyone I only provide the environment in which they can learn”
- Albert Einstein

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
- Confucius

“A man who asks is a fool for five minutes. A man who never asks is a fool for life.”
- Chinese Proverb 

"Shall I tell you a secret of a true scholar? It is this: Every man I meet is my master at some point, and in that, I learn from him." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you wisdom unless you first empty your cup?" 
- Nyogen Senzaki 

"If you are willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. "
- Anonymous

"One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you'll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do."
- Earl Nightingale

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
- Mahatma Gandhi


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