Tuesday 23 April 2024

Going to the next level of Micro-learning from Micro-Teaching: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education

Going to the next level of Micro-learning from Micro-Teaching: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education

AMEE 2024 in-conference workshop

Poh-Sun Goh1, Elisabeth Schlegel2, Alice Fornari3

1National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore. 2Western Atlantic University School of Medicine, Freeport, Bahamas. 3Donald and Barbara Zucker SOM at Hofstra/Northwell, Long Island, USA


This workshop will introduce and provide participants with hands-on experience with "Micro-Assessments" as an accessible, step-wise, sustainable, ongoing, cumulative practice, and extension of step-wise, sustainable, ongoing, cumulative micro-learning. Modern technology tools and platforms, such as blogs, facilitate open access to ongoing digital learning and practice. This is achieved through accessible digital content, open documents, and websites. Individuals can showcase and enhance their expertise through "open digital activities and practice," learning and practicing publicly. Just as we learn in small steps, assessment can also be an ongoing stepwise process. 

This workshop aims to shed light on how micro-assessment can be applied to each step in the learning journey. Based on sound instructional design, doable assessment strategies, both ‘for’, and ‘as’ learning, can and should be an organic extension of day to day educational and training activities. Open digital practice and demonstration of progressive expertise through micro-assessments facilitates feedback, reflection and iterative improvement in performance. In addition, the workshop goes beyond the basic understanding of micro-assessment and delves into the theories and practices that form the foundation of measurement, assessment, and evaluation in the health professions. We will examine various aspects, including test development, written assignments, clinical/performance evaluation, classroom assessments and  reflective portfolios and rubrics. Strategies for incorporating micro-assessment into digital learning environments will be discussed, enabling the participants to make each step of the learning process visible and assessable.

Who Should Participate

Health Professions Educators (HPE) interested in micro-learning with micro-content to support micro-teaching and micro-assessment applied to their learning environments. HPE with an interest in open digital practice that aligns with step-wise (micro-)assessment.

Structure of Workshop

This will be a highly interactive session over 90 minutes, with micro-presentations by faculty facilitators on their experiences with micro-assessments (15 minutes), together with interactive exercises with participants on open digital micro-learning and micro-practise with digital content showing how this can be used for micro-assessments (30 to 45 minutes), together with iterative discussions (30 - 45 minutes).

Intended Outcomes

Participants at end of workshop will be able to explain how micro-assessment can support micro-learning, and apply open digital tools and platforms to support their practice.


Assessment and supporting learners: Assessment

Phase of Education

Undergraduate & graduate

Level of Workshop



#Micro-Assessment and #Micro-Learning

"Micro-Assessment as tangible, visible, accessible and assessable (micro-)outputs of Micro-Learning, as visible artefacts of Micro-Practice and Open Digital Practice, along a continuum of sustainable, accessible, step-wise, cumulative activity and systematic effort comprising Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice, Micro-Assessment and Micro-Scholarship. Taking note, making notes and sharing notes, within a Community of Practice." Poh-Sun Goh, 20 September 2023, 0830am, Singapore Time

"Making notes (to elaborate, expand upon, explain and give examples of the application of single, modular ideas and concepts), and demonstrating skills; both as open digital practice, micro-demonstrations and micro-assessments." Poh-Sun Goh, 24 September 2023, 1109am, Singapore Time


Saturday 13 April 2024

Review articles on AI in HPE

Review articles on AI in HPE

Boscardin, Christy K. PhD; Gin, Brian MD, PhD; Golde, Polo Black; Hauer, Karen E. MD, PhD. ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence for Medical Education: Potential Impact and Opportunity. Academic Medicine 99(1):p 22-27, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005439


Lee, Juehea1; Wu, Annie Siyu2; Li, David3; Kulasegaram, Kulamakan (Mahan) PhD4. Artificial Intelligence in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Academic Medicine 96(11S):p S62-S70, November 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004291





Sunday 31 March 2024

AI powered personalised learning in Health Professions Education

Session 1: The Fundamentals of AI in HPE

Role of AI in HPE
Working with AI as partner
What AI is, What AI can do, What is available
Can generative AI e.g. Chat GPT and Bard provide references/justification/support for its answers?
What is available? How to Use AI? Some examples.
What is learning? How can we promote, support and encourage learning? - as educators, working with AI

Session 2: AI Powered Personalised Learning

Overview: What is Personalised Learning, Adaptive Learning and role of AI in Personalising Learning


Characteristics of Personalised Learning

What is Adaptive Learning

Ways AI can Personalise Learning





Prompt - 

AI powered personalised learning in health professions education

Copilot Response - (31 March 2024, Sunday, 1645hrs)

AI-powered personalized learning is revolutionizing health professions education. Let’s delve into how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way students learn in the medical field:

Personalized Learning Experience:

One of the key benefits of AI in medical courses is its ability to provide a tailored learning experience for individual students.

AI-powered platforms analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each student, allowing educators to modify teaching methods to meet specific needs1.

Imagine a system that adapts to your learning pace, identifies areas where you need improvement, and customizes content accordingly.

Enhanced Diagnosis and Training:

AI can simulate real-world scenarios, enabling students to practice diagnosing medical conditions.

Virtual patients can exhibit symptoms, respond to treatments, and evolve over time, providing a dynamic learning environment.

Students can refine their diagnostic skills, learn from mistakes, and gain confidence through AI-driven simulations.

Embracing Uncertainty and Variability:

AI tools should embrace and convey the natural uncertainty and diversity present in human populations.

By recognizing that patients vary in their responses, AI can prepare students for the complexities of real-world practice2.

Educators play a crucial role in ensuring that AI tools align with clinical relevance and challenge recommendations when necessary.

Professional Development for Educators:

Healthcare educators need to be aware of AI’s capabilities and limitations.

Professional development programs can equip educators with the knowledge to effectively integrate AI into their teaching methods.

Educators should know when to trust AI recommendations and when to critically evaluate them2.

In summary, AI-powered personalized learning holds immense promise for the future of healthcare education. It empowers students, enhances diagnostic skills, and prepares the next generation of healthcare professionals for the dynamic challenges they’ll face in their careers.






Prompt - 

basic ideas, principles and practices of AI in Health Professions

Education (HPE)

Copilot Response - (31 March 2024, Sunday, 1705hrs)

Certainly! Let’s explore the fundamentals of AI in health professions education (HPE). Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming healthcare, and understanding its principles and applications is crucial for educators and learners in the field. Here are some essential concepts:

Overview of AI in Healthcare:

AI encompasses various methods and capabilities, including machine learning, algorithms, and neural networks.

While science fiction often portrays AI as human-like, the reality in 2021 is narrow AI, which focuses on specific tasks rather than general human-like abilities.

AI tools can enhance healthcare workflows, improve patient care, and optimize population health.

Educational Implications:

Incorporating AI Training: Educators must act promptly to integrate AI training across health professions. Failing to do so risks creating a workforce unprepared to leverage AI’s promise or navigate its challenges.

Understanding AI: Leaders in HPE should enhance their understanding of AI to guide current and future learners effectively.

Ethical Considerations: Learners need to grasp basic concepts of computer systems, programming, machine learning, and data science. AI tools should enhance teaching and learning while promoting equity and access1.

Courses and Programs:

AI for Health Care: Concepts and Applications: This course delves into core AI principles, Large Language Models, Generative AI, and their impact on healthcare2.

The Ethics of Big Data and AI: This program explores ethical considerations related to using Big Data and developing AI in healthcare3.

AI in Medical Education: A systematic review analyzing AI’s effects and challenges at different stages of medical education4.

In summary, educators play a pivotal role in preparing healthcare professionals to harness AI’s potential while upholding ethical standards. By embracing AI education, we empower the health workforce to thrive in an AI-driven landscape. 🌟

For more detailed information, you can refer to the full discussion paper1.

Lomis K, Jeffries P, Palatta A, Sage M, Sheikh J, Sheperis C, Whelan A. Artificial Intelligence for Health Professions Educators. NAM Perspect. 2021 Sep 8;2021:10.31478/202109a. doi: 10.31478/202109a. PMID: 34901780; PMCID: PMC8654471. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8654471/


Zhang, W., Cai, M., Lee, H.J. et al. AI in Medical Education: Global situation, effects and challenges. Educ Inf Technol 29, 4611–4633 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12009-8


Saturday 16 March 2024

Applying principles of multimedia design to a teaching presentation - to promote engagement and learning

Applying principles of multimedia design to a teaching presentation - to promote engagement and learning

NUHS Emergency Medicine Grand Round, Thursday 24 October 2024, 1.20-2pm



how to apply meyer's multimedia theory to presentations


Applying Mayer’s multimedia theory to presentations involves integrating the 12 principles he established to enhance learning and comprehension. Here’s a brief overview of how you can use some of these principles:

Coherence Principle: Keep your slides free from extraneous content. Only include information that supports your main message1.

Signaling Principle: Use cues to highlight important points. This could be through bold text, arrows, or spotlight effects.

Redundancy Principle: Avoid using narration and on-screen text simultaneously. Choose one method to deliver your message at a time2.

Spatial Contiguity Principle: Place related text and images close together to help learners make connections more easily.

Temporal Contiguity Principle: Present corresponding words and pictures simultaneously rather than successively.

Segmenting Principle: Break your content into manageable chunks to prevent cognitive overload.

Pre-training Principle: Provide learners with the names and characteristics of main concepts before diving into complex material.

Modality Principle: Use narration instead of on-screen text when presenting graphics or animations.

Multimedia Principle: Combine words and pictures rather than words alone to improve learning outcomes3.

Personalization Principle: Use a conversational style and first or second person language to make the content more relatable.

Voice Principle: Use a friendly and conversational tone in your narrations.

Image Principle: Use graphics that support the instructional message rather than decorative images.

Remember, these principles are guidelines to help you design effective multimedia presentations. They are grounded in cognitive research on how people learn from words and pictures. For a more detailed application, consider checking out resources that delve into each principle with examples.










Saturday 10 February 2024

Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development - IAMSE 2024

IAMSE 2024 - Minneapolis, MINNESOTA, June 15-18, 2024



Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivise Faculty Professional Development

IAMSE 2024 Pre-conference workshop

Saturday, 15 June 2024, 0800 - 1100


Ennid Duran duran gonzalez - Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara

Alice Fornari - Zucker SOM at Hofstra Northwell

Poh-Sun Goh - National University of Singapore

Charles Gullo - Gullo Consulting, LLC

Sol Roberts-Lieb - Univeristy of Maryland, Baltimore

Elisabeth Schlegel - Western Atlantic University School of Medicine


The demands on health professions educators are increasing rapidly. They are asked to increase their work in teaching and learning, scholarly activity, service, administration, and clinical practice. This work often comes without new incentives or time to learn the skills needed to tackle these expanding roles. This workshop provides the theoretical foundation, the opportunity to practice the skills, and a group draft publication for all participants and leaders. This is an innovative idea for a pre-conference workshop in that it extends the traditional workshop into one with a tangible, transcribable publication.

Taking the first step in the scholarly journey is critical for most health professions educators. Getting started, learning the process, finding a community of practice and publishing are concerns held by scholars at all levels. Micro-Scholarship provides the tools to begin that journey (creation of a Micro-Asset) and stack them to form a product recognized by traditional scholarship (Macro-Asset). Similarly, many educators want and need professional development but aren't incentivized for their time, effort, and changes to their practice. This workshop will guide attendees through the answers to these questions by immersing them in the background of Micro-Scholarship, the need for effective and incentivized faculty development, and the creation of a group opinion paper, suitable for publishing, on the need to incentivize faculty development.


Background on Micro-Scholarship, Need and Process

"We define Micro-Scholarship as the process of making visible the smallest accessible and assessable steps that document a scholarly journey, which can then be assembled and presented as an outcome of academic scholarship." (Goh, Roberts-Lieb, and Sandars 2023)

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical Teacher, 45:3, 307-312. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2022.2133689

Goh, PS, Roberts-Lieb, S, Sandars, J. Guide on Micro-Scholarship in Health Professions Education. (Open Access publication on SlideShare in 2023, accompanying guide to Medical Teacher article) https://www.slideshare.net/dnrgohps/guide-on-microscholarship-in-health-professions-educationpdf


Open, Public - Visible - Learning, Practice, Scholarship

Roberts-Lieb, S, Goh, PS and Sandars, J. (2024). Micro-Scholarship: An Innovative Process Using Common Technology Tools. Medical Science Educator. Published online 27 January 2024 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-024-01989-y

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79. https://doi.org/10.29060/TAPS.2023-8-2/SC2861 (award for most accessed article in TAPS for 2023)

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical teacher, 45:3, 307-312. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2022.2133689

Goh, PS, Roberts-Lieb, S, Sandars, J. Guide on Micro-Scholarship in Health Professions Education. (Open Access publication on SlideShare in 2023, accompanying guide to Medical Teacher article) https://www.slideshare.net/dnrgohps/guide-on-microscholarship-in-health-professions-educationpdf

Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. Insights from the culinary arts for medical educators. MedEdPublish. 2017 Jan; 6(1), Paper No:10. Epub 2017 Jan 18.

Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11.


Prompt -

Micro-Scholarship in Medical Education

Copilot Response (31 March 2024, Sunday, 0802am)

Certainly! Let’s delve into the fascinating concept of Micro-Scholarship in the realm of Health Professions Education (HPE).

What is Micro-Scholarship?

Micro-Scholarship is an innovative approach that focuses on the small, sustainable steps taken by scholars in their scholarly journey within the field of HPE.

It involves making these micro-steps visible, assessable, and documented, ultimately leading to a cumulative outcome of academic scholarship.

Imagine it as akin to bite-sized or micro-learning, but applied to the scholarly domain.

Why Micro-Scholarship Matters:

Small Steps, Big Impact: Just as tiny puzzle pieces contribute to the whole picture, micro-scholarship emphasizes the importance of incremental progress.

Accessible and Sustainable: By breaking down scholarship into manageable chunks, it becomes more accessible to a broader audience.

Macro and Meta Matters: These small steps eventually accumulate into larger scholarly achievements, creating a sustainable strategy for success.

How Does It Work?

Generating Micro-Content: Scholars create and engage with bite-sized scholarly content. Think of it as assembling Lego blocks of knowledge.

Refinement and Iteration: Scholars progressively refine their output and practice of micro-scholarship.

Public Engagement: Cycles of public engagement lead to the final digital or print publication, transforming micro into macro scholarship.

Keywords Associated with Micro-Scholarship:

Micro-Learning: Learning in small, digestible portions.

Just-In-Time (JiT) Learning: Immediate learning relevant to specific needs.

Community of Practice (CoP): Engaging with peers in a professional community.

Technology: Leveraging digital tools for scholarly communication.

Network Effects: How collaboration amplifies impact.

Post-Publication Peer Review (PPPR): Continuous improvement after publication.

In summary, Micro-Scholarship celebrates the power of small steps, fostering a vibrant scholarly ecosystem in health professions education. 🌱📚

If you’re curious to explore further, you can find related articles and resources here1. Happy scholarly adventures! 🎓✨

Learn more

Goh, P. S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2023). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical Teacher, 45:3, 307-312. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2022.2133689

Goh, PS, Roberts-Lieb, S, Sandars, J. Guide on Micro-Scholarship in Health Professions Education. (Open Access publication on SlideShare in 2023, accompanying guide to Medical Teacher article) https://www.slideshare.net/dnrgohps/guide-on-microscholarship-in-health-professions-educationpdf


Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79. https://doi.org/10.29060/TAPS.2023-8-2/SC2861

Prompt - 

How can I start my own micro-scholarship journey?

Copilot Response (31 March 2024, Sunday, 0802am)

Certainly! Embarking on a micro-scholarship journey involves deliberate steps and a curious mindset. Here’s a roadmap to kickstart your scholarly adventure:

Define Your Purpose:

Reflect on why you want to engage in micro-scholarship. Is it to contribute to your field, enhance your knowledge, or connect with a community of scholars?

Clarify your goals and set a clear intention.

Choose Your Niche:

Identify a specific area within health professions education (HPE) that intrigues you. It could be assessment methods, curriculum design, technology integration, or any other aspect.

Your niche will guide your micro-scholarship endeavors.

Stay Curious and Observant:

Curiosity fuels scholarship. Observe your surroundings, read widely, attend conferences, and engage in discussions.

Keep an eye out for small, interesting phenomena that can be explored further.

Start Small:

Remember, micro-scholarship is about incremental progress. Begin with tiny steps:

Analyze a Case: Dive into a clinical case or educational scenario. Write a brief reflection or propose an alternative approach.

Review a Paper: Summarize a recent research article or critique its methodology.

Create Visual Content: Design an infographic or a short video explaining a concept.

Share Insights: Tweet a thread about an HPE topic.

These small actions count!

Document Your Journey:

Keep a scholarly journal or digital notes. Record your thoughts, observations, and mini-projects.

Use tools like Evernote, OneNote, or a simple text document.

Engage with Others:

Join online communities, attend webinars, and participate in conferences.

Collaborate with fellow scholars. Share your micro-scholarship work and seek feedback.

Remember, a community of practice enhances your learning.

Leverage Technology:

Use social media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn) to share your insights.

Start a blog or contribute to existing blogs related to HPE.

Explore open-access journals or platforms for publishing your micro-content.

Iterate and Refine:

Review your work periodically. How can you improve? What did you learn?

Revise, expand, or connect your micro-scholarship pieces.

Embrace the process of continuous improvement.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Acknowledge each milestone, no matter how minor. Completing a blog post, receiving positive feedback, or connecting with a scholar—celebrate these moments.

Stay Resilient and Persistent:

Micro-scholarship requires patience. Not every step will yield immediate results.

Persevere, adapt, and enjoy the journey.

Remember, the essence of micro-scholarship lies in the joy of discovery, the impact of small actions, and the collective growth within the scholarly community. Happy exploring! 🌱📚

For further reading, you might find this article on “Small, Sustainable Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education” insightful.

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. (2023). Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. TAPS, 8(2), 76-79. https://doi.org/10.29060/TAPS.2023-8-2/SC2861



IAMSE 2024 - Minneapolis, MINNESOTA, June 15-18, 2024



Pre-conference workshop: Using Micro-Scholarship to Incentivize Faculty Professional Development


Focus session: Enhancing Leadership Skills through Emotional and Cultural Intelligence

Monday, 17 June 2024, 10:15 - 11:45

