Tuesday 23 April 2024

Going to the next level of Micro-learning from Micro-Teaching: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education

Going to the next level of Micro-learning from Micro-Teaching: Micro-Assessment in Health Professions Education

AMEE 2024 in-conference workshop

Poh-Sun Goh1, Elisabeth Schlegel2, Alice Fornari3

1National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore. 2Western Atlantic University School of Medicine, Freeport, Bahamas. 3Donald and Barbara Zucker SOM at Hofstra/Northwell, Long Island, USA


This workshop will introduce and provide participants with hands-on experience with "Micro-Assessments" as an accessible, step-wise, sustainable, ongoing, cumulative practice, and extension of step-wise, sustainable, ongoing, cumulative micro-learning. Modern technology tools and platforms, such as blogs, facilitate open access to ongoing digital learning and practice. This is achieved through accessible digital content, open documents, and websites. Individuals can showcase and enhance their expertise through "open digital activities and practice," learning and practicing publicly. Just as we learn in small steps, assessment can also be an ongoing stepwise process. 

This workshop aims to shed light on how micro-assessment can be applied to each step in the learning journey. Based on sound instructional design, doable assessment strategies, both ‘for’, and ‘as’ learning, can and should be an organic extension of day to day educational and training activities. Open digital practice and demonstration of progressive expertise through micro-assessments facilitates feedback, reflection and iterative improvement in performance. In addition, the workshop goes beyond the basic understanding of micro-assessment and delves into the theories and practices that form the foundation of measurement, assessment, and evaluation in the health professions. We will examine various aspects, including test development, written assignments, clinical/performance evaluation, classroom assessments and  reflective portfolios and rubrics. Strategies for incorporating micro-assessment into digital learning environments will be discussed, enabling the participants to make each step of the learning process visible and assessable.

Who Should Participate

Health Professions Educators (HPE) interested in micro-learning with micro-content to support micro-teaching and micro-assessment applied to their learning environments. HPE with an interest in open digital practice that aligns with step-wise (micro-)assessment.

Structure of Workshop

This will be a highly interactive session over 90 minutes, with micro-presentations by faculty facilitators on their experiences with micro-assessments (15 minutes), together with interactive exercises with participants on open digital micro-learning and micro-practise with digital content showing how this can be used for micro-assessments (30 to 45 minutes), together with iterative discussions (30 - 45 minutes).

Intended Outcomes

Participants at end of workshop will be able to explain how micro-assessment can support micro-learning, and apply open digital tools and platforms to support their practice.


Assessment and supporting learners: Assessment

Phase of Education

Undergraduate & graduate

Level of Workshop



#Micro-Assessment and #Micro-Learning

"Micro-Assessment as tangible, visible, accessible and assessable (micro-)outputs of Micro-Learning, as visible artefacts of Micro-Practice and Open Digital Practice, along a continuum of sustainable, accessible, step-wise, cumulative activity and systematic effort comprising Micro-Learning, Micro-Practice, Micro-Assessment and Micro-Scholarship. Taking note, making notes and sharing notes, within a Community of Practice." Poh-Sun Goh, 20 September 2023, 0830am, Singapore Time

"Making notes (to elaborate, expand upon, explain and give examples of the application of single, modular ideas and concepts), and demonstrating skills; both as open digital practice, micro-demonstrations and micro-assessments." Poh-Sun Goh, 24 September 2023, 1109am, Singapore Time


Saturday 13 April 2024

Review articles on AI in HPE

Review articles on AI in HPE

Boscardin, Christy K. PhD; Gin, Brian MD, PhD; Golde, Polo Black; Hauer, Karen E. MD, PhD. ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence for Medical Education: Potential Impact and Opportunity. Academic Medicine 99(1):p 22-27, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005439


Lee, Juehea1; Wu, Annie Siyu2; Li, David3; Kulasegaram, Kulamakan (Mahan) PhD4. Artificial Intelligence in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Academic Medicine 96(11S):p S62-S70, November 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004291



