Sunday, 23 May 2021

#Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education #Scholarship in MedEd #Micro-Scholarship

Scholarship of Practice/Digital Scholarship - Open, Accessible, Available for Reflection, Evaluation and Peer Review, to be Critiqued, and Built Upon

'Micro-Scholarship' - 'Document (each and every) individual 'step' taken as part of curating, creating, innovating, discovering, integrating, applying, teaching and professional practice as an academic scholar in Medical Education / Health Professions Education and Training', Poh-Sun Goh, 25 May 2021, 1255am, Singapore Time


SoTL/Scholarship of Teaching - Document, Showcase, Demonstrate informed, reflective practice, anchored by theory, showing Impact and significant Results

Goh, PS. 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. 2021;33 (3): 171-174. Publication Date (Web): 2021 August 27

(above peer-reviewed invited commentary following KSME 2021 Keynote presentation below)

(KSME 2021 - Keynote presentation, June 3, 2021) 

Goh, PS. Medical Educator Roles of the Future. Med.Sci.Educ. 30 (Suppl 1), 5–7 (2020).

#IAMSE20 Plenary: Medical Educator Roles of the Future (Facebook Live Video Recording)

(IAMSE 2020 - Plenary presentation, June 18, 2021)

Goh P.S, Sandars J. (2020) 'A vision of the use of technology in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic', MedEdPublish, 9, [1], 49,

Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12. (AMEE 2016 closing Pecha Kucha presentation blog)

Goh, P.S. eLearning or Technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not Hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11.

Micro-Scholarship examples -

Scholarship of Application - List, cite, and demonstrate examples, results and outcomes (of and from application of theory, ideas and practices)

Sandars, J., Correia, R., Dankbaar, M., de Jong, P., Goh, P.S., Hege, I., Masters, K., Oh, S.Y., Patel, R., Premkumar, K., Webb, A., Pusic, M. (2020). 'Twelve tips for rapidly migrating to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic'. MedEdPublish, 9, [1], 82,

Dong C, Goh PS. Twelve tips for the effective use of videos in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Feb; 37(2):140-5.

Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. (2019). Using Technology to Nurture Core Human Values in Healthcare. MededPublish, 8, [3], 74,

Micro-Scholarship examples -

Scholarship of Integration - List and network a series of published ideas, from within, adjacent, and others fields of practice

Shorey S, Ang E, Chua JYX, Goh PS. (2021). Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review. Nurse Education Today. Available online 16 November 2021,  In Press.

Liaw SY, Augustin CG, Ying L, Tan SC, Lim WS, Goh PS. Multiuser Virtual Worlds in Healthcare Education: A Systematic Review. Nurse Education Today. Volume 65, June 2018, Pages 136-149. Accepted for publication on 11 January 2018, available online 2 February 2018). 

Sandars J, Patel RS, Goh PS, Kokatailo PK, Lafferty N. The importance of educational theories for facilitating learning when using technology in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Mar 17:1-4.

Micro-scholarship examples -

Scholarship of Discovery - Data and Results, from Methods, giving rise to 'new' information and theory building, building on existing and published peer reviewed publications (Discovery); Artefacts and Exhibits/Case Studies of Created Materials and examples of Innovation

Liaw SY, Wong LF, Chan SW, Ho JT, Mordiffi SZ, Ang SB, Goh PS, Ang EN. Designing and evaluating an interactive multimedia Web-based simulation for developing nurses' competencies in acute nursing care: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jan 12;17(1):e5.

Goh, P.S. (2012). Use of case pairs can potentially improve the efficiency and effectiveness of radiology residency MHPE Master Thesis (Maastricht University). Example of quantitative medical education research.

Micro-Scholarship example (including Creation, Design and Innovation) -

Monday, 17 May 2021

#HistoryMedEd #MedicalEducation #Osler #Flexner #Osler-Flexner

Kenneth Calman. (2006). Medical Education: Past, Present and Future. Handing on Learning. Churchill Livingstone.

Norman, Geoffrey. (2012). Medical education: Past, present and future. Perspectives on medical education. 1. 6-14. 10.1007/s40037-012-0002-7. 


Tauber A. I. (1992). The two faces of medical education: Flexner and Osler revisited. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 85(10), 598–602.

Rae A. (2001). Osler vindicated: the ghost of Flexner laid to rest. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 164(13), 1860–1861.

Ayesha Fatima, Manoj Chakravarty*, N. A. L. S. H. J. M. Y. A. H. E. A. A. (2019). Restoring Oslerian clinical training in place of Flexnerian reductionism in medical education: A historical perspective. Innovative Journal of Medical and Health Science, 9(10), 606-610.

Monday, 3 May 2021

#BuildingBlocksOfScholarship in #MedicalEducation


by Poh-Sun Goh, 3 May 2021 @ 1045pm, Singapore Time; updated 5 May 2021 @ 1017pm, Singapore Time

This blogpost illustrates the #BuildingBlocksOfScholarship in #MedicalEducation

Making the argument that the #Scholarship of #Discovery (including #Creation and #Innovation), #Integration, #Application and #Teaching (Boyer 1990) is founded on #Theory, including peer reviewed publications (articulating #Thinking, #Models, #TheoreticalFrameworks), and #Evidence (including #Data, and #Observations). 

The fundamental #BuildingBlock of a piece of #Scholarship (#Written, #Articulated-#Spoken-#Presented-#Illustrated) is a review of #KeyIdeas, and #PreviousWork.

#PersonalReflection on my #Journey as #ScholarlyEducator (making arguments and articulating viewpoints based on the literature, data, evidence and observations), and #EducationalScholar.

The professionalisation of my practice started with formal training, and active engagement in the Maastricht MHPE program. Where the first, repeated lesson that was emphasised was that any statement made during discussions within the program, submitted within individual and team assignments due literally every 2 to 3 weeks (3 to 4 assignments per module - every 8 weeks) had to be supported 'by the literature, theory and evidence'. My personal response to this challenge was to post on the online discussion forum daily (the only possible coping mechanism for someone of my personal learning and training preference and personality - essentially taking one small meaningful step every day in public, within a Community of Practice [COP] and Community of Interest [COI]). The daily challenge I gave myself was to present at least one takeaway from required reading of the literature every day, in public, on the online forum; and also to post one useful additional digital resource relevant to each idea or topic under discussion, including why this was relevant and useful. Reflecting back to the two years I actively engaged in the MHPE program in this manner, strictly staying up to date with readings, and assignment submissions, through daily open postings in this manner (on the online discussion forum), I realised that this naturally translated into the #dailyHabit of #openBlogging, which I have engaged in since completing the MHPE program in 2012. Each public blogpost (on Blogger), translated easily into digital material for regular faculty development workshops on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) at the Medical Education Unit, later Center of Medial Education (CenMED) at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS; where I presented and engaged participants exclusively using material from these blogs, later adding Padlet, SlideShare, and Instagram. This formed the basis for a series of public postings on MedEdWorld, then publications in Medical Teacher and later MedEdPublish, with the iterative cycle demonstrated on this single SlideShare illustration - Recent examples of the use of individual blogs, containing both newly created and previously created and used training and teaching modular digital content which have been shown to be useful, and well received (through number of online views for example, or which have been repeatedly used by me during faculty development sessions - SlideShare posts, Instagram short texts from previous blogposts) and cited online content can be seen at an upcoming invited keynote presentation for the KSME 2021 meeting available at, and a TEL workshop at CenMED available at

'Why, before What, and How'

Ultimately, we produce 'works' and 'artefacts' of Scholarship, and engage in the 'Cycle of Scholarship', as active members of a COP and COI, whose members (of these COP, and COI) are both senior practitioners and 'peer reviewers'; and form the wider audience and community which we produce for, and engage with. The value-add of these scholarly activities are recognised by reciprocal engagement, effort, time and attention 'spent' by members of a COP and COI, engaging with and in these scholarly works and engagement processes. This manifests as peer reviewed acceptances of the products of scholarship in medical education for presentation at local and international meetings and conferences, publications in local, regional and international peer reviewed journals, and invitations to speak and present at local, regional and international meetings and conferences (generally recognised at institutional levels by awarding Assistant, through Associate and Professor 'titles'), as well as Associate and Fellow designations (e.g. AFAMEE and FAMEE). Part of the service role of an academic involves contribution and 'giving back' to a COI and COP through acting as a peer reviewer, as a member of active committees (including those organising local, regional and international meetings and conferences), and providing leadership in these activities (which also is recognised within increasing performance bands - Assistant, Associate and [Full] Professor level). Obtaining grants in some settings is integral to the process of appointment, performance reviews and promotion, particularly when these grants fund and provide 'protected time' and resources to engage in part or full time academic scholarly activities, often in 'basic' or the scholarship of discovery (traditional) research. Applied scholarship (and research) including that of Practice and Teaching, Application, Integration, Innovation and Creation, which arise from the regular teaching and training activities of Clinicians, Clinician-Educators and Clinician-Scholars can be particularly amenable to non-grant funded or low cost design based, innovation based, integration and application based, and in practice observations, data collection and reflective practice; including 'Micro-Scholarship' steps. 


"The idea of Micro-Scholarship is that each step 'is' usable, valuable, and can be valued and assessed, and recognised - at individual, community of practice, and institutional levels (with metrics of audience size - use, commentary and incorporation into practice - citations, 'valued ' and 'judged' as attaining a certain band of performance - e.g. Associate or Full, Associate or Fellow level performance, and 'valued' for contribution impact by promotion and increasing salary band levels." - posted in Thread 3 section, accessible at

"scholarship, like clinical or educational practice occurs in small sequential steps (ideally taken at regular, even daily intervals); each step is additive, and cumulative, as part an academic journey; each step can be documented, digitally, and visible - for open access, inspection, review; each step can be created, or curated with proper attribution, and 'value add' e.g. commentary, customisation, to enable each step to be a modular, free-standing, usable 'piece' of 'Micro-Scholarship. I audience test response to and of content by sharing selected content on Blogger (like this blogpost), Instagram - for short text, references, illustrations; and pay close attention to how the online (Communities of Practice) CoP and (Communities of Interest) CoI share and comment on this on Facebook, Twitter etc." - posted in Thread 1 section, accessible at 

with examples below (over 24,000 views since October 2016) (over 11,000 views since November 2017) (over 11,000 views since November 2017) (over 15,000 views since October 2013)

"our efforts (as open, digital scholars), when aligned with the needs and requirements of our users, including communities of practice and organisations become useful, recognised and valued
recognition by an organisation or institution includes awarding certifications of performance levels + (AND) contribution impact value levels (AS VALUED BY the institution or organisation - e.g. Associate or Professor level performance, Associate or Fellow level performance by AMEE" - posted in Thread 2 section, accessible at 

see How to Start section of SlideShare document below - Points 5, 6 and 7; in order to accomplish point 8, 9 and 10 - which I guess is where the idea of this idea of 'Micro-Scholarship' came from

With each point in both sections of the above SlideShare document elaborated upon in a published peer reviewed journal paper



MedEdWorld Posts

above collated on

Examples of Scholarship - along lines of categories proposed by Boyer (1990), informed by the criteria of Scholarship by Glassick (2000), and Hutchings and Schulman (1999).

my MHPE Masters Thesis - simple quantitative experimental study (see following link), is an example of the Scholarship of Discovery

examples of the Scholarship of Innovation-Creation (creative use) below

Goh, P.S. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. Epub 2015 Nov 11. (10 Citations on Google Scholar to date)

Goh PS, Sandars J. (2019). Digital Scholarship – rethinking educational scholarship in the digital world, MedEdPublish, 8, [2], 15, (Over 2,900 views to date, Recommended Status)

Goh, P.S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2022). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical Teacher, 1–6. Advance online publication.

examples of Scholarship of Integration (examples of 12 Tips, one Systematic Review,  and one Mixed-Studies Systematic Review), Application (and Teaching) and future Envisioning/Forecasting

Dong C, Goh PS. Twelve tips for the effective use of videos in medical education. Med Teach. 2015 Feb; 37(2):140-5. (over 130 Citations on Google Scholar)

Sandars, J., Correia, R., Dankbaar, M., de Jong, P., Goh, P.S., Hege, I., Masters, K., Oh, S.Y., Patel, R., Premkumar, K., Webb, A., Pusic, M. (2020). 'Twelve tips for rapidly migrating to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic'. MedEdPublish, 9, [1], 82, (over 20,000 views over last 12 months, Recommended Status; over 95 citations on Google Scholar)

Liaw SY, Augustin CG, Ying L, Tan SC, Lim WS, Goh PS. (2018). Multiuser Virtual Worlds in Healthcare Education: A Systematic Review. Nurse Education Today. Volume 65, June 2018, Pages 136-149. Accepted for publication on 11 January 2018, available online 2 February 2018). (38 Citations on Google Scholar to date)

Shorey S, Ang E, Chua JYX, Goh PS. (2021). Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review. Nurse Education Today. Available online 16 November 2021,  In Press, Journal Pre-proof.

Goh P.S, Sandars J. (2020). 'A vision of the use of technology in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic', MedEdPublish, 9, [1], 49, (over 20,000 views over last 12 months, Recommended Status; over 175 citations on Google Scholar)

Goh, PS. (2020). Medical Educator Roles of the Future. Med.Sci.Educ. 30 (Suppl 1), 5–7.

Goh, PS. (2021). 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. 2021;33 (3): 171-174. Publication Date (Web): 2021 August 27

see also

above first posted on


above from Google Scholar (accessed Wednesday, 21 December 2022)

above from Google Scholar (accessed Tuesday, 12 October 2022)

above from Google Scholar (accessed Wednesday, 10 August 2022)

above from Google Scholar (accessed Tuesday, 15 February 2022)