Saturday 6 June 2015

Replicating classroom activities online

Replicating classroom activities online
Goh Poh Sun (First draft 0600am, on June 7, 2015)

"See one, do one, and teach one". A common classroom sequence is for the teacher or instructor to illustrate and demonstrate a concept or idea, a problem solving technique or approach, a technical skill; followed by a request to the students to demonstrate their understanding by using this knowledge, or demonstrate a skill, with feedback by the instructor. When students are able to teach other students, this gives the teacher further assurance and evidence of deeper learning. One challenge in class is to allow all students to demonstrate their learning at the same time. Online workspaces and digital tools can facilitate this. This can occur on a digital online writing wall where all students can write and post material, with the teacher moderating; or even through the use of simple email and SMS texts. The key idea is to use widely available, easy to use technology platforms to facilitate and support learning. The principle is to promote active learning.

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