Coaching, and Daily Practice for FRCR2b and RANCRViva preparation
One - Daily - Regular - Cumulative - Step
by Poh-Sun Goh, 24 August 2021, 0611am, Singapore Time
1. Working collectively as a team, on regular basis, collect and curate (with attribution) examples (visual) from list of likely cases you will be shown.
2. For each case, write short list of key observations, and concluding statement.
3. Practice articulating this (aloud, out loud); in a setting/adopting a body posture-breathing-tone of voice (somatic practice, coaching) that you will use on the day of the examination.
- practice with increasing intensity, and duration in the lead up to the viva examination
- keep refining, editing (down, shorter and shortest possible is best) exactly what you will say, and key reciting this out loud until this feels natural and a reflex for you
- do this every day
- start today by selecting one case example, and drafting what you will say
- as a challenge, and coaching request, may I invite each of the 2b and RANCR viva candidates to curate one open access plain film example from online image search (with attribution - provide URL link), and draft of what you will say in the viva - please do this by Monday next week [as you all get into the hang of this, imagine how little effort collecting and curating this will be if each of you does one case example a day ... and imagine if every resident does this ..... and shares the effort ..... and benefits]
The fundamental premise is that you 'know' likely cases (examples) you will encounter in the examination, yet do not 'practice' in a habitual, systematic, efficient and therefore time-effective-efficient way. On regular (daily) basis. - Poh-Sun Goh, 24 August 2021, 0625am, Singapore Time
One simple place to start is with Chapman & Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis Part 1 and Part 2 -