Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Applying the 4C-ID model to learning to play the guitar. How can we translate these insights to medical education?

























Thursday, 6 February 2014

Neuroradiology Resident vs Neuroradiology Fellow Mentorship Conversations

Neuroradiology Resident


Tell me about your background (medical school, clinical experience, radiology experience)

Review of Royal College of Radiology (UK) curriculum, curated and customised further below.

Specialty training curriculum for clinical radiology (Royal College of Radiologists, UK)

           Applied curriculum for NUHS neuroradiology residency

Emphasis on the roles and key competencies of a radiologist

Cognitive apprenticeship

How radiology experts think and the value of online repositories

Some tips on motivation, time and effort allocation

Literature on the learning process

Mastery training in diagnostic radiology (Slideshare presentation)

Case review strategies for residents and fellows

Neuroradiology Fellow

Tell me about your background

List your objectives for the neuroradiology fellowship

Spend first month working through weekly assignments, with feedback on clinical practice and discussion on the training process

Monthly meetings to map progress (foundation building, focus on learning process, learning how to learn, competency building, and planning projects)

American Society of Neuroradiology

         Certificate of added qualification in neuroradiology


European Society of Neuroradiology

         European school of Neuroradiology

Case review strategy for residents and fellows

Monday, 3 February 2014

Medical Education Research Program next 3 to 5 years (2014 to 2018)

"In the next 3 to 5 years, my focus in educational research will be to evaluate and develop insight into the use of hyperlinked indexed clinical and radiology case repositories in undergraduate and postgraduate education and training, under conditions of deliberate practice and mastery training"

as the project lead for the following institution wide pilot project, titled "Learning@NUHS".

which mirrors the original project website started just over 1 year ago (of a three year pilot project).


at the radiology departmental level, for postgraduate training, this project is titled "CaseBasedLearning@NUHS"

"Use of learning resources by Residents in Radiology: Correlating individual learning preferences with Actual Use, Linking this with Clinical Performance Requirements (On the job Emergency and Outpatient Radiology Reporting), and Determining how this can guide the provision of a personalised educational profile with advice for effective and efficient learning strategies, and How this can help teachers more effectively and efficiently present online case based material to fulfil training objectives for competency, proficiency and mastery performance - Qualitative Interview (Semi-Structured), Grounded Theory Method"

New X-ray app can be used for testing and training worldwide (BBC)