Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Blank Interview Form

The purpose of these interviews and related questionnaire is to allow me to develop a deeper understanding of your learning preferences and requirements as a radiologist-in-training, and to further refine the case based teaching and learning material that has been made available to you via the learning radiology blogs. These resources can be used as part of your radiology residency program. I have a long standing interest in the use of technology enhanced learning (eLearning) in medical education and radiology training, and these short evaluation sessions will focus the content and presentation of the case based online teaching and learning material to more closely match your training requirements and learning needs.

Please note that your responses to the following interview and questionnaire will be anonymised, and any dissemination, presentation or discussion of your response, or the aggregated responses of your peers will be anonymised. Our departmental postgraduate training committee members are aware that these discussions are taking place (HOD, PG training director, Neuroradiology section chief).

(for example, as I have discussions with each of you, your responses will be reflected in the questionnaire by anonymous symbols --> @, #, ~, %, ^, &, *, +, ?, !, <, > ..... for 30 plus MOs, residents/BST/ASTs in our department)

Qualitative Evaluation

Which year of radiology residency are you in?

Tell me about your professional experience before entering radiology?

How have you found the learning experience and training environment in the radiology department?

How do you prefer to learn?

What experiences have you found most useful in your training?

Why do you find these experiences helpful?

Do you have any special requests? For example, if only the department had ____ , my training would then be perfect !

Quantitative Evaluation

Which year of residency are you in?

- MO 
- Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
- Year 4
- Year 5
- Year 6

How much experience have you had in neuroradiology?

- 6 weeks or less 
- 12 weeks
- 18 weeks
- 24 weeks
- 30 weeks or more

How confident are you in accurately recognising and diagnosing neuroradiology problems that you might encounter

- On call?

1- not confident
2 - somewhat confident
3 - confident that I will not miss anything major, will look up anything I don't recognise regularly
4 - very confident, but will still look up anything I am not sure of not more than once to twice a day
5 - extremely confident, rarely encounter any conditions I do not recognise, rarely look up unusual conditions

- Day to day neuroradiology rotation?

1- not confident
2 - somewhat confident
3 - confident that I will not miss anything major, will look up anything I don't recognise regularly
4 - very confident, but will still look up anything I am not sure of not more than once to twice a day
5 - extremely confident, rarely encounter any conditions I do not recognise, rarely look up unusual conditions

How well has your residency experiences prepared you for

- Call?

1 - not at all
2 - some preparation
3 - adequate preparation
4 - good preparation
5 - excellent preparation

- Day to day neuroradiology rotation?

1 - not at all
2 - some preparation
3 - adequate preparation
4 - good preparation
5 - excellent preparation

How well do you feel that review of thematic neuroradiology cases will prepare you for

- Call?

1 - not at all
2 - some preparation
3 - adequate preparation
4 - good preparation
5 - excellent preparation

- Day to day neuroradiology rotation?

1 - not at all
2 - some preparation
3 - adequate preparation
4 - good preparation  
5 - excellent preparation

Do feel that your neuroradiology training can be shortened by 20% by the deliberate use of these online cases?


How to you feel these cases should be organised and presented?


Please rate each of the following in their relative usefulness in your neuroradiology training?

5 point scale
1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely useful

Clinical experience/reporting
1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful 
5-extremely useful

Weekly tutorials

1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely useful

What topics have been covered in the tutorials you have attended so far?

Pre-call preparation sessions
1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely usefulLectures

Reading books/journals (hardcopy)
1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely usefulReading journal articles(online)

Use of online databases (StatDx)

1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely useful

Use of online case repositories

1-not useful
2-somewhat useful 
4-very useful 
5-extremely useful

When you have a problem case currently, please list the order of actions you take to solve the problem? (from 1st to 4th)

Look up StatDx 
1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely useful

Ask someone
1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful 
5-extremely useful 

Do a literature/online search 

1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful  
5-extremely useful

Systematic reading of a textbook/ Look up textbook 

1-not useful
2-somewhat useful 
4-very useful
5-extremely useful

Attending courses and seminars 

1-not useful
2-somewhat useful
4-very useful
5-extremely useful


Interview on Dec 29th, 2014

Please rate your current level for each diagnostic category below
1- not confident
2 - somewhat confident
3 - confident that I will not miss anything major, will look up anything I don't recognise regularly
4 - very confident, but will still look up anything I am not sure of not more than once to twice a day
5 - extremely confident, rarely encounter any conditions I do not recognise, rarely look up unusual conditions

For year 1 residency, we expect a year 1 resident by end of a 6 week posting to
confidently recognize normal
a. head trauma   4
b. acute stroke – infarct and haemorrhage (CT and MRI)  4
c. differentiate mass from infarct    4
d. hydrocephalus  4
e. CT angiography and MR angiography   4

For year 2 residency, we expect a year 2 resident by the end of a 6 week posting to
     a. consolidate topics from Year 1
     b. focus and develop greater confidence in year 2 on
           i. brain tumours (including pituitary tumours),   4
          ii. infection (meningitis, abscesses, cerebritis),   4
          iii. as well as key conditions of the spine (trauma, infection, metastatic disease with cord compression)   4

For year 3 residency, we expect a year 3 resident by the end of a 6 week posting to

      a. consolidate topics from Year 2
      b. focus and develop greater confidence in year 3 on
             i. congenital disorders and white matter disease (developmental and demyelination)  3 to 4
as well as the
            ii. full range of head and neck disorders  3 to 4

For year 4 residency, during your 6 week neuroradiology posting

     a. consolidate topics from year 3
     b. develop greater confidence on newer areas in neuroradiology, including functional neuroimaging
     c. consider an academic review project

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Literature

(google search "qualitative research in medical education")

A (one page) guide to research paradigms relevant to medical education (Academic Medicine last page)

Sample size in qualitative research

Qualitative research methods overview

Appraising qualitative research articles in medicine and medical education

Role of qualitative research theory in medical education

Qualitative research methods in medical education

NSU Online Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research

Online qualitative research resources Antioch University New England

Dyrbre 2009 A qualitative study of physicians' experience with an online masters program

Course in Advanced qualitative methods in health research

Completing your qualitative dissertation: A roadmap from beginning to end



Quality criteria in qualitative and quantitative research (Academic Medicine)











Masterclass in Qualitative Research Analysis, 7 to 11 April, 2014


How do I bring qualitative and quantitative data together? (pdf)

Qualitative vs Quantitative survey questions

Qualitative vs Quantitative Research - when to use which

Using qualitative exploration to create quantitative surveys

New ways to ask quantitative questions in online surveys

Answering the research question - quantitative designs (pdf)

Qualitative analysis, data and design (pdf)

Critical inquiry in education and professional practice (eLearning)


Free psychology qualitative research analysis software


An array of qualitative data analysis tools - a call for data analysis triangulation (pdf)


Free psychology qualitative research analysis software




QuiRC - Qualitative Research Coder
